

to see you


Our book "The Complete Guide to Starting and Operating Your Own Trucking Business" is written to help you get a piece of this massive industry.


Total Revenue in 2023


Tons of Freight (2023)


People Employed


Of U.S. Freight Moved by Trucks

Our Experts

Who we worked with to put this guide together.
Trucking Company Owners
Company owners shared their insights from operating their trucking business, including lessons and challenges learned along the way.
Diesel Mechanics
We spoke to diesel mechanics to get their feedback regarding various truck brands, engine, maintenance intervals, and more.
Compliance Specialists
From filings and registrations to fuel taxes, compliance specialists chimed in on best practices.
Fleet Managers
Making sure the fleet is taken care of is no easy task. We picked the brains of fleet managers to discover their best practices.

we cover it all

Limited Liability Company
Financial Management
Obtaining DOT
Acquiring EIN
Operating Authoity
Risk Exposure
MC Number
Cab Types
Rate Con
Line Haul
Hiring Drivers
Purchasing a Truck
Annual Inspections
Trip Planning
Booking Loads
Dispatching Trucks
Factoring Invoices
King Pins on Trailer
Sliding Fifth Wheel
Certificate of Insurance
Registry Monitoring Information Services
Cab Card
Apportioned Plates
Line Haul
Trip Planning
Booking Loads
Cargo Insurance
Certified Automated Trucking Scales
Surety Bond
Step Deck
Power Only
Rate Cons
Lease Agreement
Landing Gear
International Fuel Tax Agreement
MC Number
General Liability
Line Haul

Frequently asked questions

What makes Haul Intel's guide different from courses that influencers sell?
Our guide is offered at a fraction of the cost of other alternatives you may find online. We wanted to create an accessible source of information that can be purchased by all at a reasonable price.
I don't have any knowledge about the trucking industry. Would I be able to follow this guide?
Yes. We've designed the guide with complete newbies in mind. Each topic is explained in simple terms and each step-by-step walkthrough includes screenshots for additional clarity.
I've seen consulting companies online that help with all these filings. Will this guide help me do the filings without a consultant?
Absolutely! All of the required filings and steps to complete them are covered in details in this guide. Going with a consultant can end up costing over $1,000 by the time all is said and done. By following our guide, not only do you save money, but you empower yourself with the knowledge to be able to able to navigate this industry.
How can I access my guide once I purchase it?
When purchasing the guide, you will be asked to create an account so that your purchased guide can be available to you by simply logging in at any time.
For what topics does the guide provide step-by-step, visual instructions?
The guide provides complete instructions for filing an LLC (in Texas), obtaining an EIN number, registering for a DOT and MC number, obtaining IRP/apportioned plates (in Texas), completing the Unified Carrier Registration (UCR), and filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT).
Do you store any payment information?
No, we do not store any payment information. All of our payment processing is done through a third-party platform called Stripe.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of our Product, all sales are final, and we do not offer refunds, exchanges, or returns. If you experience any issues with your purchase, please contact us at info@haulintel.com.
I don't have any knowledge about the trucking industry. Would I be able to follow this guide?
Yes. We've designed the guide with complete newbies in mind. Each topic is explained in simple terms and each step-by-step walkthrough includes screenshots for additional clarity.
For what topics does the guide provide step-by-step, visual instructions?
The guide provides complete instructions for filing an LLC (in Texas), obtaining an EIN number, registering for a DOT and MC number, obtaining IRP/apportioned plates (in Texas), completing the Unified Carrier Registration (UCR), and filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT).
What makes Haul Intel's guide different from courses that influencers sell?
Our guide is offered at a fraction of the cost of other alternatives you may find online. We wanted to create an accessible source of information that can be purchased by all at a reasonable price.
I've seen consulting companies online that help with all these filings. Will this guide help me do the filings without a consultant?
Absolutely! All of the required filings and steps to complete them are covered in details in this guide. Going with a consultant can end up costing over $1,000 by the time all is said and done. By following our guide, not only do you save money, but you empower yourself with the knowledge to be able to able to navigate this industry.
How can I access my guide once I purchase it?
When purchasing the guide, you will be asked to create an account so that your purchased guide can be available to you by simply logging in at any time.
Do you store any payment information?
No, we do not store any payment information. All of our payment processing is done through Stripe, a third-party platform.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of our product, refunds are only offered for exceptional circumstances If you experience any issues with your purchase, please contact us at info@haulintel.com.